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 Calendar and Recordings


Whilst Storrington Chapel seeks the Lord's guidance regarding a full-time Pastor, each week the message is brought to us by a number of visiting speakers, by the leadership team or others within the fellowship.

A calendar of speakers can be found below and, with permission from the preacher involved, an audio-recording of their service.  We are currently looking into the possibility of making video recordings available.

Our Sunday services from the Chapel are live-streamed on Zoom.

Please contact any of the deacons for the Zoom meeting code and password.


Please note that occasionally there may be a last-minute change to the booked speaker or format of a service without prior notice. However, a service will still take place.
090624 - Ed Powell - James 4: 1-10
160624 - Don Olden - Matthew 26: 36-46
230624 - Phil Prior - Ephesians 1: 15-23
300624 - David Skull - Mark 11: 20-25
070724 - Andrew Smith - 1 Kings 3:1-15 & James 1:1-8
140724 - Andrew Smith - Luke 18:18-30 & James 1:8-12
210724- Andrew Boyd - Ephesians 1: 15-23
280724 - Phil Prior - Ephesians 2: 1-10
040824 - Bernard Sanders - Rev 2: 1-7
110824 - Chris Hughes - 1 Samuel 7: 1-12
180824 - Simon Field - Psalm 2
250824 - Ben Read - Hebrews 7: 23-28
010924 - Paul Mackrell - Matthew 13:24-30 & 36-43
Recordings of earlier services may still be available in the "older recordings" section. 
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